or how i wasted 150$ of the parishes money
Published on December 30, 2005 By drunkenpreacher In Tutorials
Well let me begin by saying I'm a staunch believer in Windowblinds; I have them on most every window in the house. I've been a stardock and wincustomize subscriber for over 2 years now, but hey, i've been married 5 times. That in itself should tell you i'm a slow learner. I figure why finish saying what's on my mind, it won't make it to print anyhow.
the reverend ray gori

on Dec 30, 2005

Well, the true waste is posting a flame without any flame.

If you would like help with the products that you have purchased, all you have to do is ask for it.  Stardock has plenty of help on www.stardock.com/support.  Email:  support@stardock.com or join #stardock on IRC.

Or, you could post what problems you are having here so that somebody can help you.

Stardock offices are closed until January 2nd for observance of the holidays.

on Dec 30, 2005
If I may add to this, when you have a problem and seek assistance on #stardock IRC is that you refrain from swearing. The majority of people in the irc channel are not Stardock employees and are giving their free time to try and assist users of Stardock products who have issues with the programs.